
Test and Assembly

In support of the work we do in designing a medical device we help our clients with the design and development of equipment to assemble and test them.

With our intimate knowledge of the product and competitive pricing we can quickly and cost effectively produce both simple and complex machines to assemble laboratory or clinical trial quantities of devices.

We provide manual or automated test machines for measuring and reporting multiple device operating parameters for consistent production quality.

Self Injector Vial Inspection

The design team at Warwick developed an automated glass vial inspection machine.  This carries out a number of tests on the stopper presence, its position and the fluid height.

We provided a bench and conveyor system to allow pre-screening by humans prior to the machine testing.  The equipment takes correct vials and  loads them into racks and rejects failed ones.

This machine was designed and built by Warwick Design. We then delivered and commissioned the machine in the factory in Italy.



Also to be seen here.

Self Injector Tester

Our experience of machine building allows us to design and manufacture production line test equipment. This new self injector pen tester is the latest product for 100% sampling with reporting to new PC software.

Twenty-five years ago Warwick Design design and built machines to test the original product, it is still in continuous use as an essential part of the quality control process for our client.

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Complex inhaler demonstrator
Microbial growth test rig
Imigran pen production pen tester
Imigran pen production pen tester internal
Veramyst / Avamys nasal inhaler assembly machine
Veramyst / Avamys nasal inhaler assembly machine
Veramyst / Avamys intranasal assembly machine
Rodent sexing and packing station
Self injector tester
Urine analysis
Veramyst / Avamys nasal inhaler
Glass vial tester underside mechanism
Vial tester production tester
Child Resistant Bottle Cap Tester
Vial tester production tester
Imigran pen production pen tester
imigran pen tester
Veramyst / Avamys nasal inhaler assembly machine
Veramyst / Avamys nasal inhaler
Capsule-stretch-tester capsularhexis surgery
Bag making and tube insertion and welding production machine
Blister strip filling evaluator
Imigran pen production pen tester
  • Design and Manufacture
  • Turnkey supply of equipment
  • Onsite or offsite commissioning
  • Training and Operator's Manuals
  • Onsite servicing
  • Manual or automatic machines
  • PC reporting